Top American Bully Stud: Louis V Line's Omega "The Little Polar Bear"
Article Originally Featured in Venomline's Blog
2019 BULLY KING Magazine Official Mascot Louis V Line’s OMEGA
One of Louis V’s best sons- Louis V Line’s Omega is returning to BULLY KING Magazine as an Official Mascot for the 2019-2020 Calendar year. Omega will be returning after previously being a Mascot for the #1 Bully Breed Magazine back in 2017.
Omega was produced by Brandon Cagle of Gymrat Bullyz. I can remember the 1st time I laid eyes on Omega. It was around 2016 I believe, a little before he became a Mascot for BULLY KING Magazine. Omega is one of the most aesthetically pleasing dogs I’d ever seen. He just stood out, with his all white coat, incredible build, head, muscle mass and structure. Just a really beautiful dog. He was also short and compact, with a short back which I love. This is a Pocket Bully with substance, possessing big dog features, all on a 14.5″ frame without being overdone.
Despite his extreme build, Omega is still a functional dog that moves very well for his size. In fact, Omega runs, jumps and swims better than most dogs carrying half of his mass. When we got the opportunity to add him to Venomline- it was a no brainer. I knew we had to jump at the opportunity, and we did. A couple months before we had just finalized our partnership with Alisa Smith and opened the 1st branch of Venomline- Venomline South in North Carolina. What better dog to head our new branch than Venom’s half brother Omega?
Omega is half brother to Louis V Line’s Venom (same dad, different moms) One of the things that I loved about Omega was the bottom half of his pedigree. His mom Coco is a Heatstroke daughter, so the fact that we would be able to linebreed a dog like Omega with some of the “next level” females that we kept off of Venom.. was just too good to pass up.
With the addition of Omega, we could line breed for consistency, locking in the desirable traits of Louis V Line, without getting too close. The bottom half of Omega’s pedigree (his mom being unrelated to Venom) offered us just enough variation.

Omega enables us to continue to produce tightly bred (and extremely consistent litters) without experiencing many of the issues that inevitably arise when breeding to closely together. There are positives and negatives to inbreeding and linebreeding- we will touch on both as well as other breeding methods further down in this article.
Having Omega’s off of the same Sire as Venom, but with a mom with an unrelated pedigree gives us just enough variation to prevent us from getting too close genetically where problems can start to arise and help us avoid getting too high of a COI. (Coefficient of Inbreeding = COI). There are advantages to linebreeding vs having a scatterbred dog, but these advantages come with risks. Responsible breeders will pay close attention to these things.
Ever wonder how some breeders can take an average female- and in 5 years have a yard full of hitters. while another breeder can start with incredible lines/dogs and completely run it to shit in just a few years? Any knucklehead can get two dogs to mate. A breeder on the other hand- a real one that is, will put the time and effort into studying genetics, learning and honing their craft. Knowledge is power as corny as it sounds.
Any dipshit with deep pockets can buy a lot of nice dogs, it happens every day. But very few breeders improve with each generation.
Even better yet, with Omega we aren’t just adding any variation, Omega’s mom is a Heatstroke daughter. So when using Omega at Stud we are also adding in Lucky Luciano’s brother. A lot of people don’t know this, but Heatstroke and Lucky Luciano are brothers. Same parents, exact same pedigree, different litters. Heatstroke was produced in the 1st Dax X Hypie breeding while Lucky Luciano was produced in the repeat.
Omega’s pedigree not only compliments our Venom offspring, he and allows us to line breed for consistency, he also brings Lucky Luciano’s brother to the table (with a nearly identical genetic makeup) due to Omega’s mom’s side of the pedigree. Remember, Omega and Venom are both Louis V sons, but their dams (moms) are completely unrelated. So not only is Omega a proven producer, but his pedigree fits in like a puzzle piece with our line and the females of ours off Venom, but many of our Lucky daughters as well.
Heatstroke was produced in the 1st Dax X Hyphie breeding, and went on to become a legend in his own right. He possessed an uncanny ability to not only reproduce himself, but also consistently produced extreme traits in his offspring. “Extreme” is not to be confused with the term “exotic.”
By “Extreme” we’re referring to the exaggerated features; the large head, neck, shoulders and chest that exemplify breed type. The American Bully at first glance should not be confused with the American Pit Bull Terrier. The American Bully when bred correctly.. should stand out distinctively as it’s own breed. We’ll revisit that topic below.
Back to the bottom half of Omega’s pedigree.. As mentioned earlier, Heatstroke became a great stud due to the consistency of his productions, but he passed down extreme traits into the majority of his offspring. Heatstroke wasn’t producing a watered down version of himself like 95% of studs today are currently producing.
He was responsible for many well known dogs, but even more impressive was the fact that many of his offspring were incredible producers. One of these was Coco, a bitch that would later go on to produce Omega. Heatstroke also Sired Heatwave and Louis V Line’s Camila among others. Camilla would go on to be responsible for a few dogs that you might have heard of Louis V Line’s Oro & Venus.
While he’s perfect in complimenting our line, make no mistake about it, Omega is no second act to Venom. He’s a phenomenal producer and probably one of the most underrated Studs in the country. Omega is responsible for multiple ABKC Pocket Champions, and will be going to some of our best females over the next year. When the public starts to witness what he is capable of producing with our caliber of females.. this will be one of the most in demand studs in the country, just like his brother Venom.
Omega also carries lilac & chocolate, throws a lot of tri colored bullies and has produced every tri color variation. So don’t let the white coat fool you.. this is a Stud that throws a lot of color in addition to producing extreme build Pocket Bullies with substance, structure & drive. Not to mention signature headpieces and thick boned up puppies. Omega is one of the best at producing show of dogs that still win in the Show Ring.
Back in the earlier ABKC days, “Extreme” was an actual class that dogs could show, compete and champ out in. A few years back the ABKC announced it was getting rid of the Extreme Class. Many people thought that this was because the ABKC did not want Extreme dogs, but the truth of the matter was the exact opposite.
The American Bully muscular body and blocky head. The American Bully should have the appearance of heavy bone structure with a bulky build and look.
From the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC):
I’m writing this post to help clarify some changes recently made to the ABKC American Bully standard. Personally I am not sure why clarification is needed, if you would take the time to read the Standard then you would see a lot of positive changes; and if you are knowledgeable about dog breeds and the progression of new breeds, than all of this is just common sense.
The American Bully is a young breed and still in its development phase. When a registry takes on a new breed the first stage is obviously to create a criterion of the requirements to be eligible to register as the brood stock of this breed.
The “Extreme” which was the same as the standard overall, but carrying more mass. This variety was initially allowed some of what they refer to, as “handicaps” meaning there was some leniency to certain traits beyond the standard. This was because there was a huge amount of these dogs in the breed’s gene pool base and from a large bloodline within the breed; which was one of the founding bloodlines to be exact. The reason for the leniency is these were bigger heavier dogs that needed more time of development to achieve ideal conformation. The “handicaps” were designed to be eliminated over time until this variety met the same standards as the standard.
For the remainder of 2014 the Extreme class was still offered, but the Standard and Pocket are now not to be penalized for dogs carrying more mass as long as they are correct and balanced.
Venomline is known for producing some of the thickest Pocket American Bullies in the world, without sacrificing conformation or health. Venomline dogs have massive heads, dense bone, broad chests, wide shoulders, short muzzles, and being packed rock solid with muscle on short & compact frames.
The American Bully is a companion breed exhibiting confidence, a zest for life, along with an exuberant will to please and companionship with their family. This making the American Bully an excellent family companion.
Despite the American Bully’s fierce and powerful appearance their demeanor is gentle and great with kids. They are friendly with strangers, other dogs, and other animals. Human or dog aggression, extreme shyness or viciousness is very uncharacteristic of the American Bully and is highly undesirable.
It is important to note the ABKC got rid of the extreme class. So there are currently 4 Classes
This is an amendment to the basic standard which a Pocket Bully is determined by its adult height. Males under 17″ and no less than 14″ at the withers. Females under 16″ and no less than 13″ at the withers.
The American Bully should give the impression of great strength for it’s size. It is a compact and medium/large size dog with a muscular body and blocky head. The American Bully should have the appearance of heavy bone structure with a bulky build and look.
This is an amendment to the basic standard. A Classic Bully is determined by it’s body structure and build. Both sex dogs with lighter body frames and less overall body mass, but still exibiting “bully” traits.
This is an amendment to the basic standard, determined by it’s adult height. Males over 20″-23″ at the withers. Females over 19″-22″ at the withers. It is important to note that the XL Bully variety is simply taller than the Standard American Bully. XL dogs share the same build, body type and breed type as the Standard American Bully.
This isn’t a real classification of American Bully. If a dog reaches the height and size of an XL, that’s it’s class. Please stop using this term.